Friday, October 12, 2007

Post #1 - First Blog Entry!

Here it first voyage into the world of blogging. Not sure if I'll keep it up, but it seems to be all the rage these days, particularly for families with young children.

Today was Ava's 9 month check up. This was an easy one - no shots, just checking weight, head circumferance and general health. Ava is very healthy and continues to be off the chart with her age/weight. Ava is now a super cute 24 pounds (she's managed to triple her weight in 9 months instead of the 12 months it generally takes) and continues to be our exceptional child. She is crawling like crazy, but truly spends most of her time pulling herself up and cruising around anything she can - mostly my legs. Ava can now stand on her own for up to a minute and even took one hesitant little step on Wednesday before falling back on her bottom. We suspect it won't be long before she is walking all on her own and then we'll really be running!!

That's it for now. Hopefully I will eventually get the hang of this....;o)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, Hockey Family :)
I have gone with the Randall's interior designer from Bells Corners. If you go on their website there is an option to contract the designer. Her name is Cindy and I really like her. She's a no nonsense kind of person and will tell you straight up what will and won't work. And I really appreciate that about her.
She also has a very practical and long term vision and has helped keep me away from my more crazy ideas that I would have regretted 6 months later :)

Good luck! and Let me know how it turns out for you.